Wednesday, August 22, 2007

"The Gongie"

I suppose I need to explain the title of this post! Matt's latest obsession is vacuums although for some reason he calls them gongies. I really don't know how to spell it. Try sounding it out phonetically! We went to a play date yesterday and he carried this vacuum around for 2 hours. So, today Matt and I went out and got one. Pulling him away from it for nap was a challenge. We were at my sister's house and we put the vacuum down for a nap in her bed before getting Matt down!
Karl took Matt to the Jethawks game this past Sunday. The boys had a good time eating junk food and playing on the grass while I got some quiet time and made a valence for Micah's room. Matt got to meet the team mascots and Karl said he wasn't so sure about them. He wouldn't give Kaboom a high five!
Luke had his 3 month pictures a few weeks ago. What a cute guy!
I saw the MD yesterday and nothing to report! Everything is going great. I see the perinatologist on Friday for a follow up. Maybe I will be able to post a picture of Micah! I hope everyone is having a great week.

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