Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our Weekend!

We have had a busy suprise!
Karl and I have been working really hard on the backyard with a goal of getting the boys a play set. I made it a habit to check out Craig's List almost every morning and finally found one last week. Karl and some guys from work took it apart and moved it into our back yard. We had a "barn raising" on Friday night and turned it into a little party. We had some friends over and the daddies put the swing set together while the kids distroyed my house and the mommies tried to maintain a managable level of chaos! As the evening turned into bedtime we put a movie on for all the kids and the moms chowed on yummy ice cream! Weezie will hate the picture below...but how many times in your life can you rest your ice cream bowl on your tummy!! Around 10:00pm the swing set was done! I don't have a picture of it completed yet but I'll post one soon. It is has 2 swings, a slide and fort.
Saturday morning we took Matt to meet a potential piano teacher. Since Matt is so young she wanted to meet him and do a little mini "interview" with him. Matt was so cute. He sang the ABCs for her and answerd all her questions like such a big kid! We decided start lessons for a few months and make sure Matt stays excited about it! When we got in the car to go home Matt said, "Mommy and Daddy, I like piano lessons a lot more that swimming lessons!" Karl and I laughed and said "We know, Buddy!"
After naps on Saturday we drove with Jon and Luke to Santa Monica. Karl and Jon ran in a 5k run on Sunday morning. We spent the night in a hotel and after the run went to the beach. They boys LOVE staying in hotels and had a blast!
Jon PRd in his run and Karl was happy that his leg felt good. He has been dealing with a pulled muscle for over a month now. I'm sure he will have details on his blog.
We are home safe and the boys went to bed at 7:00! We had a busy weekend!
Please send us good thoughts...preschool starts on Wed. The boys will go on Wed and Fri mornings. I took them to meet their teachers on Friday and left them in their classroom for an hour while I attended orientation. Matt and Luke did great! Micah, on the other hand, was so upset. Actually upset is an understatment...he cried for 40 minutes and only stopped when I walked in the room to pick him up. His teacher is amazing and said she held him and gave him lots of hugs. She assured me within a month Micah would be over his separation anxiety....oh, it is going to be a long month for both Micah and myself.

1 comment:

EBS said...

A couple of thoughts:

1. Those kids are never going to want to go to a movie theater if you keep making movies at home so fun and comfortable!

2. How do I have the cutest nephews in the UNIVERSE?!? And why are you letting Matt grow up so fast? He looks like such a boy!

3. Poor Micah! I hope he feels better about preschool soon. He's gonna love it someday (but probably not this week). Good luck to him and you, Andi!

4. Congrats to Jon and I hope Louise continues to feel good. If the ice cream helps, keep pumping her full of it! She looks great!

Thanks for the updates...!