Thursday, August 13, 2009

"I want that one Mommy"

Micah's language has exploded the past two weeks! He said his first real sentence yesterday. "I want that one Mommy." He was referencing a pink popsicle and after I gave it to him he said, "Tank To Mommy." Actually the sentence that I am bragging about sounded more like. "Iwantatwon Mommy." That isn't the point though, my baby is growing up!
The picture is of Micah eating a "special treat" Drumstick. Grandpa Tom introduced Matt to Drumsticks when he was here awhile ago. Matt definatly remembered all about Drumsticks. That kid has the biggest sweet tooth. I hadn't eaten one in years...sure was yummy!
Three year olds crack me up! Yesterday in the car Matt asked me what goosebumps were. I tried to explain and then asked him where he heard about goosebumps. He couldn't tell me but is now very ecxcited and nervous to see goosebumps this winter! Maybe I will take him to the freezer section at the grocery store to show him!
Our produce box was especially colorful and in a way beautiful this week. The peaches were the size of softballs and so good. The grapes are called Flame Grapes and taste like candy. I ordered extra grapes this week.
Have a happy Friday!
Louise's husband, Jon, graduated from his MBA program, FINALLY! We are celebrating on Sunday with a small party. Louise, Jon and Luke have made huge sacrafices the past two years while Jon worked on his degree. Congratulations to their family! We love you and are proud of you all!

1 comment:

Eleyna Julia said...

Good job Micah. that's exciting! I'm anxious for Eleyna to start talking-she's so close! All of that fruit looks so delicious. I love the good produce of summer.