Sunday, December 16, 2012

Advent Fun

 Our friends had carriage rides around their neighborhood this evening. The boys loved it but Melea was a little unsure.  The carriage was covered in Christmas lights and Melea kept saying "hot, no hot." 

 Our elves, Hans, Shivers, and Spark, returned from the North Pole again this year!  The boys run out to the living room every morning to find them and see what mischief they got into during the night.  This morning the elves brought a new train set and had it set up and were playing with it!  The Fitch kids came over early to play.
Fun at the park!

One more week of school before the break!  Can't wait!!!
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Last Basketball Game and Lydia is 2!

The boys had their last basketball game today. Karl did a great job coaching. His patience amazed me!

Tonight we celebrated Lydia's second birthday.

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Monday, December 3, 2012


I had a moment of insanity while with the girls today! This was Melea's first time painting.
Lydia got very concerned when paint got on her. Obviously Melea didn't mind.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 2012
So much to be thankful for!

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

My Project

I love a deal! I found upholstery fabric today on the clearance isle for $8.00/yard! Tonight I recovered our bar stools.
I know everyone who reads this blog really wants to see pictures of the kids, but humor me...



Matt's class had been learning all the usual Thanksgiving stuff and to culminate the unit they had a big feast. I went to help although I dont know how much help I gave. There were almost more parents than kids there.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Big Bear

 Hello from Big Bear CA!  This post should really be on Disneyland, we were there last week, but I'm doing things out of order.  We had the opportunity to spend the long weekend in Big Bear so we packed up and drove up the mountain.  We have had fun playing in the first snow of the winter, sledding, hanging out by the fire, running, reading, and building Legos.  We will head home tomorrow, Monday, well rested from a fun family weekend.  It has been nice to be away from home and able to spend time together this weekend.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Matt's 1st grade class preformed the play Stellaluna. Matt was the baby bird, Flitter, and his buddy was the owl. If you aren't familier with the story check or the children's book. Matt was so proud and it was a really cute and well done production!
By the way, I'm attempting this post from my phone do we'll see what happens!

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This is Why I Have Not Blogged in Awhile!

 Rock Climbing at Ciclavia in LA.  We rode the Metro from Palmdale to Union Station in LA with our bikes.  Major streets in the middle of the city were closed to cars and open to bikes! We rode from Union Station to McAurther Park.  The park was set up like a festival with a climbing wall.   We rode 10 miles total!!  I ran with the stroller so Melea could nap.  When she wasn't in the stroller she was "helping" Karl ride his bike.
 Micah made it to the top!
 Melea "helping" daddy!
 The boys are playing basketball through the YMCA.  It is really relaxed and low key!  Can you tell these two kids are related?  Melea looks so much like Karl in this picture.
 Melea has caught on to basketball from watching the boys.  She carries the ball to the hoop then stands there screaming for help until someone lifts her up so she can make a basket!
 Jeanette came to visit a few weeks ago and we went for a run/bike ride on the aqueduct.
 CLU Homecoming!  It wasn't the same without Clark there.  He is off working hard at Loma Linda.  Apparently he is surviving the first year of med school well! 


Sunday, May 13, 2012

CC Graduates!

 Happy Mother's Day to me!  The boys and I rode over to my parents house this morning.  My grandma and was visiting and made her famous crepes!  Yummy!  The boys and Karl got new bikes last weekend and we gave them a good test today.  Matt and Micah did great riding the 3 mils to my parents house.  We stopped for a few water breaks but they did awesome!  We have to figure out Melea's bike seat so we can go as a family next time.  Karl tried to put her seat on his bike last night but couldn't figure it out completely...I guess that is what we get for getting a baby bike seat at the Salvation Army!!
 Our graduate!  We didn't attend the would have been torture for everyone trying to get 5 kids to sit though a 3 hour ceremony!  We met CC after then went to a great lunch at Bucca di Beppo.  Clark is off to med school in Aug.  He is an all around good guy!  I'm sure he gets sick of hearing that but selfishly I am so glad he can be such an awesome example for my kids!  How many 22 year old dudes would be willing to pose for a picture like this?!
 The bridge at CLU!  Yippee CC graduated!! Congratulations!
 We went to Disneyland a few weeks ago for Luke's 5th birthday!  Micah LOVED driving the cars!
 Matt lived out his dream and was chosen for Jedi Training.. After fighting Darth Vader he gave a powerful force push to these clone troopers!
Happy 5th birthday Luke!  We love you buddy!  I hope you remember pieces of this special day and smile!  You are an awesome little man!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted! So much has happened! Matt's birthday was March 15. We had a party for him the weekend before. He had a Wild Kratt's party! The kids performed "creature challenges" to earn various"creature powers." It was a hit! I made creature power suits for the kids and they had fun earning their creature powers! On Matt's birthday we went to Vegas to celebrate Jeanette's early birthday. She and Karl ran a half marathon together! It was Jeanette's first half marathon and despite the windy conditions she did great! Karl really enjoyed running with his mom! It was a memorable experience for them!GO GRANDMA and DADDY!!!

Justin (who earned his kangaroo power the day before by jumping/falling off a big trapoline and breaking his arm), Cole, Micah, Cidney, Max, Matt, Enrique, Luke, and Joey
My big 6 year old! It is so hard to believe 6 years ago Karl and I experienced the scariest moment of our lives...our little boy being rushed to the NICU. He stayed for 4 weeks growing and learing to eat and breath. Last month I planned his dream party, Wild Kratts! Someday when you read this Matt, I hope you smile at the memory of your birthday party! We played cheetah tag, wrapped up in toliet paper and emerged as butterflies, jumped off a trapoline to be like a kangaroo and went to the neighbors house and saw their giant African turtles. Favorite gifts included a watch, legos, beyblades, robe, books, and pajamas. When in Vegas we took Matt to the hospital where he spent his first month. We took some baby blankets with a note from Matt to give to some of the NICU babies that share his birthday. It was such a strange feeling riding the elevator and walking up to the NICU. Our family has grown so much and in so many ways since 2006...In my wildest dreams I never thought I would bring my SIX year old son and his brother and sister back to that NICU!
Family picture at church...they boys were reluctant to participate in this picture because we tore them away from the Easter games! It was quite a challage to occupy two boys hopped up on sugar and a little girl who missed her nap during church! I think Karl and I can handle about anything!
The Easter Bunny came to my parents house! We took this same picture last year but it wasn't complete...Melea wasn't in it. Looks pretty good now!
Our little Easter Bunny!
Handsome Micah with his Easter treasures!
Matt is showing off his loot!